The PhantomX XL430 Robot Turret is a fully programmable pan and tilt system designed around the DYNAMIXEL DYNAMIXEL XL430-W250-T servos from Robotis. The servos offer a high resolution of 4096 positions and user definable PID parameters. Temperature monitoring, positional feedback as well as voltage levels, load and compliance settings are all user accessible as well. At the heart of the PhantomX XL430 Turret is the Robotis Open CM9.04-C open-source controller running on a 32bit ARM Coretex-M3.
The WidowX XM430 Robot Turret is a fully programmable pan and tilt system designed around the DYNAMIXEL DYNAMIXEL XM-430-W350-Tservos from Robotis. The servos offer a high resolution of 4096 positions and user definable PID parameters. Temperature monitoring, positional feedback as well as voltage levels, load and compliance settings are all user accessible as well. At the heart of the WidowX XM430 Turret is the Robotis Open CM9.04-C open-source controller running on a 32bit ARM Coretex-M3.
Each of the X-Series arms* features an industrial quality, high grade slewing bearing base as the central mounting point. The bearing ensures maximum rigidity and accuracy and takes all strain of the base servo increasing the longevity of the arms.
The ViperX XM540 Robot Turret is a fully programmable pan and tilt system designed around the DYNAMIXEL XM540-W270-R servos from Robotis. The servos offer a high resolution of 4096 positions and user definable PID parameters. Temperature monitoring, positional feedback as well as voltage levels, load and compliance settings are all user accessible as well. At the heart of the ViperX XM540 Turret is the Robotis Open CM9.04-C open-source controller running on a 32bit ARM Coretex-M3.
TROSSENの多脚ロボットPhantomXに搭載されているDYNAMIXEL AX、MX、RX、シリーズのTTL製品の制御用Ardino互換の高性能マイコンのスターターキットです。詳細はこちら(外部リンクに飛びます)。