XW540-T260 -R
ID : 1
Baud Rate : 57600bps
(User can change various settings including ID and baud rate according to environment)
DYNAMIXEL XW series use a waterproof cable.
One side has a waterproof connector and the other side has a JST connector.
Extension cable has waterproof connectors for both sides.
The OpenCR controller has a JST connector for direct connection, but since the OpenCM9.04 + OpenCM 485 expansion board only has a Molex connector, a conversion cable must be used by utilizing U2D2 PHB.
Controller : OpenCM9.04 485 Expansion Board, OpenCR1.0
Interface : USB2Dynamixel, U2D2
DYNAMIXEL XW series are ROBOTIS’ first line of IP Level models, featuring a certified IP68 (1m, 24hr) rating and are designed for use in wet environments, underwater, and any outdoor applications where a sealed servo is necessary.
* XW series come with separate waterproof cable and extension cable.
1. 6 Operating Modes
(Torque Control, Velocity Control, Position Control, Extended Position Control, Current based Position Control, PWM Control)
2. Profile Control for Smooth Motion Planning
3. Improved Heat Sink Featuring an Aluminum Case
4. Easy and Simple Assembly Structure
5. Energy Saving (Reduced Current from 100mA to 40mA)
6. 31% reduced volume compared to the MX-28
Drawing Download
DYNAMIXEL XW series uses a waterproof cable.
4. Direct Screw Assembly to the Case (without Nut Insert)
DYNAMIXEL Xシリーズは、高性能ネットワークアクチュエータの新しいラインナップです。
詳細については、DYNAMIXEL Xシリーズ製品情報ページをご覧ください。
•電流ベースのトルク制御(4096ステップ、2.69mA /ステップ)
■The DYNAMIXEL X-Series is a new line-up of high performance networked actuators.
For more detailed information, please visit the DYNAMIXEL X-Series Product Information page.
■ Basic Features
• Improved Torque, Compact Design• Enhanced Durability and Expandability• Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress (3-Way Wiring)• Frames Directly Screwed onto the Case (No Nuts Needed)• Improved Aluminum Case Heat Sink
• 6 Operating Modes• Current-Based Torque Control (4096 steps, 2.69mA/step)• Profile Control for Smooth Motion Planning• Trajectory Data and Moving Status (In-Position, Following Error, etc.)• Energy Efficient (Standby Current Reduced from 100mA to 40mA)
• 28.4% reduced volume compared to the MX-106
■ Various Cabling Methods
■ Package Contents
Teflon Washer (for Horn Assembly)
Robot Cable-X4P 180mm
Robot Cable-X4P (Convertible) 180mm
3P Sync Cable 160MM
Wrench Bolt (WB M2.5*5)
Wrench Bolt (WB M2.5*4)
Wrench Bolt (WB M3*8)
Spacer Ring
■ H/W Specifications
Model Name
Weight (g)
Dimensions (mm)
33.5 x 58.5 x 44
Gear Ratio
272.5 : 1
Operation Voltage (V)
Stall Torque (N.m)
Stall Current (A)
No Load Speed (RPM)
ST CORTEX-M3 (STM32F103C8 @ 72MHZ,32BIT)
Position Sensor
Contactless absolute encoder (12BIT,360°) by AMS
0.088° x 4,096 steps
Operating Range
Current Control Mode : Endless turnVelocity Control Mode : Endless turnPosition Control Mode : 360[deg]Extended Control Mode : ±256[rev] Current-based Position Control Mode : ±256[rev] PWM Control Mode : Endless turn
Input Voltage (V)
10~14.8V (Recommended voltage : 12V)
Operating Temperature
-5°C ~ 80°C
Communication Signal
Digital Packet
RS485 Asynchronous Serial Communication (8bit,1stop, No Parity
Link (physical)
RS485 Multi Drop Bus
253 ID (0~252)
Baud Rate
9600 bps ~ 4.5 Mbps
Position, Velocity, Current, Realtime tick, Trajectory, Temperature, Input Voltage, etc.
Case : Metal Body(Front, Middle)
Engineering Plastic Body(Back)
Gear : Full Metal
Standby current (mA)
■ Default Settings
*Please make necessary modifications to ID, baud rate, etc. after purchase.
■ Performance Comparison
152.3 : 1
0.088° x 4,096 step
DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fully integrated DC Motor Reduction Gearhead Controller Driver Network in one DC servo module.
The DYNAMIXEL XH / XM-Series offers a variety of control techniques based on high-performance current sensing algorithms.
It adopts the aluminum case and adopts the new technology such as the hollow cable fastening structure for users’ convenience.
Torque Control, Velocity Control, Position Control, Extended Position Control, Current based Position Control, PWM Control
4. Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress (3-way-routing)
5. Direct Screw Assembly to the Case (without Nut Insert)
6. Energy Saving (Reduced Current from 100mA to 40mA)
7. 28.4% reduced volume compared to the MX-106
8. Support synchronous control mode
9. Support external I / O port support
Robot Cable-X3P 180mm
Robot Cable-X3P (Convertible) 180mm
Controller : OpenCM 485 Expansion Board, OpenCR1.0
■ Model Numbering
■ Caution
DYNAMIXEL X-Series cable assembly through hollow case
Organize the entangled cable before assembling the back case.
Do not assemble the back case with entangled cable. The entangled cable can be squashed by the case and cause communication error.
If you use two cables through the hollow case, the cables will be damaged.
Use only one cable through the hollow case.
The DYNAMIXEL X-Series adopted a new gold-plated JST connector for secure and reliable communication.
The connector used for previous Dynamixel is Molex.
To control DYNAMIXEL X-Series actuators via OpenCM or USB2Dynamixel, please use the JST-Molex Convertible Cable enclosed in the package.
However, the Molex-JST convertible cable is NOT included in the XL430 model.
Please purchase a convertible cable when using a controller and interface that supports the JST connector.
Controller / Interface Board
Dynamixel X
Supports Connectors :
OpenCM 485 Expansion Board
Molex (3P, 4P)
Robot Cable-X3P 180mm (Convertible)
JST (3P, 4P)
Robot Cable -X3P (by length)
Robot Cable -X4P 180mm (Convertible)
■ Compatible Products
Robot Cable -X4P (by length)
■ Hyperlinks
Frame, Horn, Bearing Compatible Chart : Click Here
Controller Compatibility Chart : Click Here
Download Drawing : Click Here
Dynamixel SDK : Click Here
OpenCM IDE : Click Here
Software RoboPlus (R ) : Click Here
[902-0120-000] DYNAMIXEL XH430-W350-R
The DYNAMIXEL X-Series is a new line-up of high performance networked actuators.
• Improved Torque, Compact Design
• Enhanced Durability and Expandability
• Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress (3-Way Wiring)
• Frames Directly Screwed onto the Case (No Nuts Needed)
• Improved Aluminum Case Heat Sink
• 6 Operating Modes
• Current-Based Torque Control (4096 steps, 2.69mA/step)
• Profile Control for Smooth Motion Planning
• Trajectory Data and Moving Status (In-Position, Following Error, etc.)
• Energy Efficient (Standby Current Reduced from 100mA to 40mA)
■ Key Names
Robot Cable-X4P
(Convertible) 180mm
Wrench Bolt (WB M2.5*8)
Wrench Bolt (WB M2*3)
Model Number
28.5 x 46.5 x 34
353.5 : 1
Operating Voltage (V)
ST CORTEX-M3 ( STM32F103C8 @ 72MHZ,32BIT)
Contactless Absolute Encoder (12BIT,360°) by AMS
Maxon Motor
Position Control Mode : 360°
Velocity Control Mode : Endless Turn
10~14.8 (Recommended : 12)
Operating Temperature (°C)
-5 ~ 80
Command Signal
Protocol Type
RS485 Asynchronous Serial Communication (8bit, No Parity, 1 Stop)
Link (Physical)
RS485 Multidrop Bus (Daisy Chain)
253 (0~252)
Position, Velocity, Current, Real-Time Tick, Trajectory, Temperature, Input Voltage, etc.
Case : Metal (Front, Middle)
Engineering Plastic (Back)
Gear : Metal
■ Compatible Devices
Embedded Board : OpenCM9.04 & RS485 Expansion Board
PC Interface : USB2Dynamixel (Molex-JST Convertible Cable is required)
■ Development Environment
RoboPlus 2.0 (GUI Software) : download
OpenCM IDE : download
SDK : download
Drawings : download
E-manual : link
The DYNAMIXEL X-Series adopted a new gold-plated
JST connector for secure and reliable communication.
For more information, please see the [DYNAMIXEL Connector Standard] page on the e-Manual.
To control DYNAMIXEL X-Series actuators via OpenCM or USB2Dynamixel,
please use the JST-Molex Convertible Cable enclosed in the package.
1. Various Operating Modes
Velocity Control, Position Control, Extended Position Control, PWM Control
3. Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress
4. Direct Screw Assembly to the Case (Some parts)5. Energy Saving with Reduced Current
* Idler Set(HN11-I101 Set) for assembling hinge frames are not included.
Controller : OpenCM9.04 + 485 Expansion Board, OpenCR1.0, CM-550
ID(A) : 1
ID(B) : 2
DYNAMIXEL-X Series cable assembly through hollow case
The DYNAMIXEL-X Series adopted a new gold-plated JST connector for secure and reliable communication.
Molex-JST conversion cable is not included with the purchase of 2XC430 Dynamixel, so you must purchase Molex-JST conversion cable separately to connect to the existing controller (OpenCM 485 expansion board, USB2Dynamixel).
DYNAMIXEL XW430シリーズ専用拡張フレーム
Gear set for Dynamixel XH540/XM540 ? Gear Ratio: 150 : 1
Can be replaced directly when existing gears are worn out.
Made with metal and specially coated to strengthen endurance and durability of abrasion.
Exclusive magnet for non-contact absolute encoder is attached to the wheel gear.
X430, X540 same (??????)
Two ball bearings are used for the wheel gears.
The bearing of the bottom wheel gear is connected when shipped.
When replacing the gear, assemble after connecting the top wheel gear.
It is possible to recycle the used bearings, but it is recommended to use new ones because of the performance degradation due to abrasion, debris, etc.
Since Dynamixel X series use non-contact magnetic encoders, you will have to calibrate to align the initial position after gear replacement.
Use R+Manager2.0 to process the calibration along with the calibration adapter.
These are not compatible with DX/RX/MX series.
Gear set for Dynamixel XH540/XM540 ? Gear Ratio: 270 : 1
DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fully integrated DC Motor + Reduction Gearhead + Controller + Driver + Network in one DC servo module.
The DYNAMIXEL 2XL series can control two axis with a single module, so it can be easily used when used in robot`s neck, shoulder, hip, wrist, and ankle. The 2XL series adopts new features that allow 360 degrees control mode with its contactless magnetic encoder and hollow back case assembly structure and Metal gear (Powder Metallurgy) is used for high durability. High compatibility with XL430, XM430, XH430.
Controller : OpenCM9.04 485 Expansion Board, OpenCR1.0, CM-550
Molex-JST conversion cable is not included with the purchase of 2XL430 Dynamixel, so you must purchase Molex-JST conversion cable separately to connect to the existing controller (OpenCM 485 expansion board, USB2Dynamixel).
DYNAMIXEL XW540シリーズ専用拡張フレーム
This product applies metal ball bearings to the XC430 series instead of plastic bushing. This change improves the durability of vertical loads on the axis of rotation. Other specifications are the same as the existing XC430 series.
(Velocity Control, Position Control, Extended Position Control, PWM Control)
3. Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress (3-way-routing)
5. Energy Saving with Reduced Current
6. Increase vertical load durability by using metal ball bearings
Not included Idler Set (HN11-i101 Set)
To control DYNAMIXEL-X Series actuators via OpenCM or USB2Dynamixel, please use the JST-Molex Convertible Cable enclosed in the package.
The DYNAMIXEL XC series adopts new features that allow 360 degrees control mode with its contactless magnetic encoder and hollow back case assembly structure. The XL series has the same mechanical structure as the XM430 and XH430 and is compatible with the respective models.
XC430 is a high performance version of XL430 (Entry-level DYNAMIXEL), that can be applied to robots that require stronger torque.Metal gears are adopted to enhance its durability.
4. Direct Screw Assembly to the Case (without Nut Insert)5. Energy Saving with Reduced Current
* Not included Idler Set for assembling hinge frames
The XC330 series is a compact and lightweight DYNAMIXEL.XC330 series is an upgraded version of XL330 series. It enhanced its durability by applying Metal Gear and Bearing.
*Please be aware that the voltage range is 3.7V ~ 6V.
* Please purchase the frames for the X330 models separately.
* The idler and the idler cap are included in the FPX330-H101 4PCS Set. (Not sold as a standalone.)
Controller : Arduino MKR Shield
DYNAMIXEL XW540シリーズ専用アイドラーホーン
■ Description
Gripper frame set for DYNAMIXEL X430 series.
Can be used with XH/XM430 or XL430 depending on the idler set.
■ Basic Components
FR12-E170 GM
FR12-E171 GM
WB M2x3
FHS M2.5x14
Dynamixel X430 series (all models)
(However, idler set is required)
■ Required Products
Idler set is required to use this frame with DYNAMIXEL X430.
Be sure to purchase one of the idler sets below.
XH430, XM430 : HN12-I101 Set
XL430 : HN11-I101 Set
DYNAMIXEL XW430シリーズ専用アイドラーホーン