DYNAMIXEL-P Series implements removable reduction cycloid gears, resulting in high precision and impact resistance.
- Torque control based on current sensing
- Position, Torque and Speed-based command
- High resolution with combination of Incremental Encoder and Contactless Absolute Encoder
- Full metal housing for high durability
- Can be used to make a full-size manipulator, pan tilt, humanoid, etc.
[DYNAMIXEL PRO -> P] Upgrade Details
- Improved design and JST connectors applied
- Improved dirt inflow and leakage
- Improved control table (Supports X Series functions)
- Enhanced control performance such as responsiveness and resolution
- Enhanced communication responsiveness
- Improved heat, noise, and durability
Controller : OpenCM 485 Expansion Board, OpenCR1.0
Interface : USB2Dynamixel, U2D2
ID : 1
Baud Rate : 57600bps
(User can change various settings including ID and baud rate according to environment)
Dynamixel Pro series is a self-developed high performance all-in-one actuator equipped with a cycloid reducer.
Torque control based on current sensing
Increased reliability and accuracy for position and speed control through PID control
High resolution with combination of Incremental Encoder and Contactless Absolute Encoder
Full metal housing for high durability
Can be used to make a full-size manipulator, pan tilt, humanoid, etc.
[Dynamixel PRO ] Upgrade Details
Improved design and JST connectors applied)
Improved dirt inflow and leakage (54-Series)
Improved control table (Supports X-series functions)
Enhanced control performance such as responsiveness and resolution
Enhanced communication responsiveness
Improved heat, noise, and durability
The operational voltage is different from other DYNAMIXEL series (Operational voltage: 24V).
Depending on the number of units used, it is recommended to use a separate power supply.
JST 4Pin connector is applied for communication.
The 42 series uses the same hinge frames.(FRP42-H110/120)
DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fully integrated DC Motor + Reduction Gearhead + Controller + Driver + Network in one DC servo module.
Molex 4Pin connector is used for communication.
Improved design and JST connectors applied
The 54-series can NOT use the old hinge frames.
NOT COMPATIBLE with FRP54-H110/120/210/220)
Aluminum hinge frame for DYNAMIXE-P(PM42-010-S260-R).
Has high strength due to metal processing, and therefore it does not bend or break easily.
Idler Bearing Set (FRP42-I110K Set) required to assemble on the DYNAMIXEL-P.Please purchase separately.
Compatible with PM42-010-S260-R.
Optional Aluminum Hinge frame for DYNAMIXEL-P(PH42-020-S300-R).
Has high strength due to metal processing, and therefore it does not bend or break easily
Idler Bearing Set (FRP42-I110K Set) required to assemble on the DYNAMIXEL-P.
Please purchase separately.
Compatible with PH42-020-S300-R.
24V / 0.3Nm / 4,583rpm / BLDC / RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder
24V / 8.2Nm/ 39.2rpm / BLDC / Cycloid / RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder /
YM070-210-R051-RHは、DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD) DYD-14H-051モデルのサイクロイド減速機を内蔵したオールインワンロボットアクチュエータです。
DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD)は、製品購入後に交換することはできません。
24V / 14.6Nm / 20.2rpm / BLDC / Cycloid / RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder
YM070-210-R099-RHは、DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD) DYD-14H-099モデルのサイクロイド減速機を内蔵したオールインワンロボットアクチュエータです。DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD)は、製品購入後に交換することはできません。
24V / 0.6Nm/ 2,292rpm / BLDC/ RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder
24V / 15.8Nm / 39.2rpm / BLDC / Cycloid / RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder
YM080-230-R051-RHは、DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD) DYD-17H-051モデルのサイクロイダル減速機を内蔵したオールインワンロボットアクチュエータです。
24V / 26Nm / 20.2rpm / BLDC / Cycloid / RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder
YM080-230-R099-RHは、DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD) DYD-17H-099モデルのサイクロイダル減速機を内蔵したオールインワンロボットアクチュエータです。DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD)は、製品購入後に交換することはできません。
24V / 0.3Nm / 4,583rpm / BLDC / RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder / Brake
24V / 8.2Nm/ 39.2rpm / BLDC / Cycloid / RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder / Brake
YM070-210-A051-RHは、DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD) DYD-14H-051モデルのサイクロイド減速機を内蔵したオールインワンロボットアクチュエータです。
24V / 14.6Nm / 20.2rpm / BLDC / Cycloid / RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder / Brake
YM070-210-A099-RHは、DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD) DYD-14H-099モデルのサイクロイド減速機を内蔵したオールインワンロボットアクチュエータです。DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD)は、製品購入後に交換することはできません。
24V / 0.6Nm / 2,597rpm / BLDC/ RS-485 / Multi-turn encoder
YM080-230-A051-RHは、DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD) DYD-17H-051モデルのサイクロイダル減速機を内蔵したオールインワンロボットアクチュエータです。
YM080-230-A099-RHは、DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD) DYD-17H-099モデルのサイクロイダル減速機を内蔵したオールインワンロボットアクチュエータです。DYNAMIXEL DRIVE (DYD)は、製品購入後に交換することはできません。
小型・高耐久のサイクロイド減速機 | 外形43mm角 | 速度伝達比33
小型・高耐久のサイクロイド減速機 | 外形43mm角 | 速度伝達比51
小型・高耐久のサイクロイド減速機 | 外径Φ68 | 速度伝達比99
小型・高耐久のサイクロイド減速機 | 外径Φ68 | 速度伝達比51
ROS1、ROS2対応 小型モバイルマニピュレーター、組立完成品
ROS World 2020: ROBOTIS TurtleBot3 Parallel Session - Open Manipulator-X on the TurtleBot3 from Open Robotics on Vimeo.
[903-0259-000] TB3 Waffle Plate-IPL-01 (8ea)
■ Description
TurtleBot3 Plate
Can connect various devices by using bolts.
Can connect 6mm plates by using rivets.
TurtleBot3 can be modified into various shapes as the plates can be assembled in various directions.
Does not break easily as it is made of engineering plastic.
■ Basic Components
TB3 Waffle Plate-IPL-01
■ How to Use
■ Compatible Products
Dynamixel X430 series
6mm parts (Dream/Smart sets)
■ Hyperlinks
Download Drawing : Click Here
3D Printing STL File : Click Here
Download Assembly Guide : TurtleBot3 BurgerDownload Assembly Guide : TurtleBot3 Waffle
FeatureThis frame is used to mount the Raspberry Pi Camera onto the TurtleBot3 or OpenManipulator.
Screws required to mount on the camera and robot are included in the package.
Package Components
Pi-Camera Frame
PHS M2.5x12
PHS M2x6
NUT M2.5
*Raspberry Pi Camera NOT included in the package.
Please use the camera included in your TurtleBot3 package or purchase separately.
CautionPlease be sure to assembly the cable onto the camera first THEN assembly the camera and frame.
Be sure to keep the cables organized to prevent damages.
[903-0261-000] TB3 PCB Support-IBB-01 (12ea)
TurtleBot3 Support that can connect various devices
Can be used to connect parts which do not fit the hole spacing of the Waffle plate.
TB3 PCB Support
PHS M2x8
PHS M2.5x8K
Dynamixel X430 series (Can be attached to the horn)
Download Assembly Guide : TurtleBot3 Burger
Download Assembly Guide : TurtleBot3 Waffle
[903-0260-000] TB3 Wheel Tire Set-ISW-01 (2ea)
TurtleBot3 Wheel Tire Set
Can be attached to the Dynamixel by using bolts.
Rubber tires with high grip force have been applied.
Can be used to make caterpillars, etc. instead of rubber tire.
TB3 Wheel
Tire_2 (TR-66)
Dynamixel AX series
Dynamixel RX-28, MX-28
12mm parts
[903-0262-000] TB3 Ball Caster-A01 (1ea)
TurtleBot3 Ball Caster
Compatible with 6mm plate and can be connected to the TB3 Waffle Plate.
TB3 Ball Caster (Frame Steel Ball)
Rivet (SRV-1I)
TB3 Waffle Plate IPL-01
6mm parts
[903-0271-000] TB3 Caterpillar-ICT-01 (40ea)
TurtleBot3 Caterpillar parts
Can be used with TB3 Wheel after assembling all the Caterpillar parts.
For more details, please refer to the TurtleBot3 Friends (Tank).
TB3 Caterpillar-ICT-01
* TB3 Wheel on the image is not included
* The color in this image has been changed for identification. The actual color is black.
STL Drawing : Click here
FeatureThis product is a compact version of OpenManipulator based on ROS.It has a high payload as DYNAMIXEL XM-430 model is applied. Easy to use with PC or mobile platform such as TB3 Waffle Pi. Provides source code and development environment which helps you immediately operate it with TB3 Waffle PiYou can freely select and use either PC or Controller e.g. OpenCR.Provides a variety of open source software as well as 3D drawings and CAD data for research and development.
Exclusive Plastic Frame Set
HN12-I101 Set
HN11-I101 Set (spare)
Robot Cable Set X3P (by length)
Bolt & Nut Set
Rubber Pad (Finger Tip)
2 types x 2
Phillips Screwdriver
Allen Wrench (by type)
H/W Specification
Power Supply (sold separately)
Freedom of degree
5 (4DOF 1DOF Gripper)
RPM (joint)
Weight (assembly)
Gripper stroke
TTL Level Multi Drop BUS
ROS. DYNAMIXEL SDK, Arduino, Processing
Controller (sold separately)
PC, OpenCR
Various Applications
Sold Seperately
Power Supply
OpenCR or PC
Base Plate-02
CautionDYNAMIXEL, power supply, and controller are not included.Please purchase separately.
Compatible with TB3 controller and power.
The assembly Manuel is not included, but you can download the pdf file on online for free. (Refer to below link)The necessary idler set (HN11-I101 Set) is included in case you would like to use DYNAMIXEL XL430 as a hinge.(* Need to purchase DYNAMIXEL XL430 separately)
FeatureThis product is a frame set which can make X430 based OpenManipulator.You can assemble an OpenManipulator (4 DOF Arm 1 DOF Gripper), which is the same as OpenManipulator (RM-X52).DYNAMIXEL X430 is not included so you can select a suitable DYNAMIXEL model considering payload.XH430, XM430 and XL430 are all compatible with this frame and can be also mixed.Both the idler set and the assembly tool for hinge frame assembly are all included.You can make an OpenManipulator with your desired specification and can fix it on Base Plate-02 or attach it to TB3 Waffle Pi.Package Component
HN11-I101 Set
CautionDYNAMIXEL, power supply, and controller are not included.Please purchase separately. When selecting DYNAMIXEL X430 model, the appropriate model should be selected considering communication method and target specification (payload).
XL430 Single-model configuration is not recommended as it might be short of output.When mixing XL430 with XH / XM430, they (XH / XM430) must be TTL communication model.
When you use XH430-V-series (24V model), you must configure your OpenManipulator as a single 24V model.AX / MX series, X540 series, and PRO series cannot be used.The Assembly Manuel is not included, but you can download the pdf file on online for free. (Refer to below link)
Package Contents
FeatureBase Plate-02 is made of aluminum and used for fixing OpenManupulator(RM-X52)
Can be used to install a manipulator on a table.It can be fixed with a clamp. (Clamp is not included in this package)
Package Component
Wrench Bolt M2.5x20
Size (mm)
300 x 300 x 10
Weight (kg)
How To Assemble
Includes screws and spacer rings in order to fix DYNAMIXEL to Base Plate-02
When assembling XL430, you can use the circular spacer ring included in this package, or use the oval spacer included in XL430 package.
Drawing - LINK