Frame for ROBOTIS Engineer Kit.High Strength of engineering plastic.It can be affixed tightly using bolts and nuts.There are grooves for tidy wiring and nut fastening.
*Bolts and Nuts are not included
Only compatible with X-Series.Not compatible with AX / DX / RX / EX-series.
Hinge Frame for DYNAMIXEL X-series 430 models(XL430 and XC430).
Frame set consists of a hinge frame and a set of idler bearings.
*Hinge frame and Idler set are included.
Compatible with XL430 and XC430 Models.
* XM430 and XH430 users are required to use FR12-H101K Set.
NOT compatible with the DYNAMIXEL MX series.
Side frame set for X540 series.
Can be used by assembling on the side of the Dynamixel.
■ Basic Components
Flat head Wrench Bolt FWB M2.5x17
Wrench Bolt WB M2.5x5
Wrench Bolt WB M2.5x4
Spacer Ring
■ Warning
Cannot be assembled with DYNAMIXEL MX Series.
DYNAMIXEL XW540シリーズ専用サーボホーン
DYNAMIXEL XW430シリーズ専用アイドラーホーン
Lithium-ion rechargeable battery.
PCM is incorporated to protect the battery from overcharge, discharge, and excessive current. Battery cover (blue) included for safety.
* Battery charger (LBB-041) sold separately
Cell type Li-ion 18650
PCM built-in (overcharge, discharge, excessive current protection)
Controller : CM-150/151, OpenCM9.04
Battery Charger : Li-ion Battery Charger Set LBB-040, Li-ion Battery Charger Set LBB-041
- This battery can NOT be connected directly to the controller.
You will need the Li-ion Battery Charger Set (LBB-041) to connect to the controller (robot).
Detach the battery from the robot or controller when storing away.
When storing away the battery for a long time, make sure the battery life is around 50%.
Do not store it in wet or hot places.
※ The warranty for Li-ion Battery 3.7V 2600mAh LB-041 is 6 months.
- Do not drop or give impact.
- Do not operate while charging.
- Do not apply heat, water or any other liquid on the battery.
- Do not place in the microwave, washing machine or dryer.
- Do not use damaged batteries (inflated, deformed, damaged, etc.).
- Do not short circuit the polarity.
- Do not take the battery apart.
- When charging, make sure the battery is connected to the correct polarity.
- Do not charge when the battery is hot. Please charge after it has cooled off.
- Do not keep the battery connected to the controller when not in use.
※ LB-041(New Li-ion battery) cannot be recharged with LBB-040(Old Li-ion battery charger).
※ LBB-041(New Li-ion battery charger) can be recharged with LB-040(Old Li-ion battery).
This LiPo battery is intended for Engineer Kits.
PCM is incorporated to protect the battery from overcharge, discharge, and excessive current.
Can be recharged with LBC-010 Battery Charger.
Controller : CM-510, CM-530, CM-700, CM-550
Charger : LIPO Battery Charger LBC-010
CM-100, CM-5, CM-2+, CM-150, CM-200 , OpenCM7.0 are not compatible
When storing away the battery for a long time, make sure the battery life is around 50%.Store it out of direct sunlight between 0 and 45 degrees.
Do not store with metal items such as coins, keys, necklaces
※ The warranty for LI-PO Battery 11.1V 1300mAh LB-020 is 6 months.
Do not drop or fold parts of the battery or its parts.
Do not use the product when charging.
Do not apply heat, water or any other liquid on the battery.
Do not place in the microwave, washing machine or dryer.
Do not use damaged batteries. (inflated,deformed, damaged, etc)
Do not short circuit the polarity.
Do not take the battery apart.
When charging, make sure the battery is connected into the correct polarity.
Do not charge when the battery is hot. Please charge after it has cooled off.
When the battery is not being used or fully charged, please do not have it connected to a controller.
Do NOT charge the battery when the battery is connected to the controller.
The XC330 series is a compact and lightweight DYNAMIXEL.XC330 series is an upgraded version of XL330 series. It enhanced its durability by applying Metal Gear and Bearing.
*Please be aware that the voltage range is 3.7V ~ 6V.
* Please purchase the frames for the X330 models separately.
* The idler and the idler cap are included in the FPX330-H101 4PCS Set. (Not sold as a standalone.)
Drawing Download
This product applies metal ball bearings to the XC430 series instead of plastic bushing. This change improves the durability of vertical loads on the axis of rotation. Other specifications are the same as the existing XC430 series.
1. Various Operating Modes
(Velocity Control, Position Control, Extended Position Control, PWM Control)
2. Profile Control for Smooth Motion Planning
3. Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress (3-way-routing)
4. Easy and Simple Assembly Structure
5. Energy Saving with Reduced Current
6. Increase vertical load durability by using metal ball bearings
Not included Idler Set (HN11-i101 Set)
DYNAMIXEL-X Series cable assembly through hollow case
Organize the entangled cable before assembling the back case.
Do not assemble the back case with entangled cable. The entangled cable can be squashed by the case and cause communication error.
If you use two cables through the hollow case, the cables will be damaged.
Use only one cable through the hollow case.
The DYNAMIXEL-X Series adopted a new gold-plated JST connector for secure and reliable communication.
The connector used for previous Dynamixel is Molex.
To control DYNAMIXEL-X Series actuators via OpenCM or USB2Dynamixel, please use the JST-Molex Convertible Cable enclosed in the package.
However, the Molex-JST convertible cable is NOT included in the XL430 model.
Please purchase a convertible cable when using a controller and interface that supports the JST connector.
[913-3023-000] Tool (TL)
■ Components
12mm Parts
1 pc
Velocity Control, Position Control, Extended Position Control, PWM Control
3. Hollow Back Case Minimizes Cable Stress
4. Direct Screw Assembly to the Case (Some parts)5. Energy Saving with Reduced Current
* Idler Set(HN11-I101 Set) for assembling hinge frames are not included.
Controller : OpenCM9.04 + 485 Expansion Board, OpenCR1.0, CM-550
Interface : USB2Dynamixel, U2D2
ID(A) : 1
ID(B) : 2
Baud Rate : 57600bps
(User can change various settings including ID and baud rate according to environment)
Molex-JST conversion cable is not included with the purchase of 2XC430 Dynamixel, so you must purchase Molex-JST conversion cable separately to connect to the existing controller (OpenCM 485 expansion board, USB2Dynamixel).
DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fully integrated DC Motor + Reduction Gearhead + Controller + Driver + Network in one DC servo module.
The DYNAMIXEL 2XL series can control two axis with a single module, so it can be easily used when used in robot`s neck, shoulder, hip, wrist, and ankle. The 2XL series adopts new features that allow 360 degrees control mode with its contactless magnetic encoder and hollow back case assembly structure and Metal gear (Powder Metallurgy) is used for high durability. High compatibility with XL430, XM430, XH430.
Controller : OpenCM9.04 485 Expansion Board, OpenCR1.0, CM-550
Molex-JST conversion cable is not included with the purchase of 2XL430 Dynamixel, so you must purchase Molex-JST conversion cable separately to connect to the existing controller (OpenCM 485 expansion board, USB2Dynamixel).
■ Basic Features
The LDS-01 is a 2D laser scanner capable of sensing 360 degrees that collects a set of data around the robot to use for SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). It supports USB interface and is easy to install on a PC.
■ Package Contents
USB Micro B Cable
PHS M2.5x16K
NUT M2.5
PCB Support IBB-01
■ H/W Specifications
Operating supply voltage
5V DC ±5%
Light source
Semiconductor Laser Diode(λ=785nm)
LASER safety
IEC60825-1 Class 1
Current consumption
400mA or less (Rush current 1A)
Detection distance
120mm ~ 3,500mm
3.3V USART (230,400 bps) 42bytes per 6 degrees, Full Duplex option
Ambient Light Resistance
10,000 lux or less
Sampling Rate
69.5(W) X 95.5(D) X 39.5(H)mm
Under 125g
■ Detailed Specifications
Distance Range
120 ~ 3,500mm
Distance Accuracy (120mm ~ 499mm)
Distance Accuracy(500mm ~ 3,500mm)
Distance Precision(120mm ~ 499mm)
Distance Precision(500mm ~ 3,500mm)
Scan Rate
300±10 rpm
Angular Range
Angular Resolution
■ Hyperlinks
Manual (Click Here)
ROS Package (Click here)
Detailed Technical Materials for Download (Click here)
The 6 Port RX/EX Power Hub is a must have accessory for any DYNAMIXEL user working with 4-pin servos.
The DYNAMIXEL communication bus allows you to daisy chain multi servos, making wiring a breeze. However sometimes you need to split your DYNAMIXEL chain into multiple directions. Just plug a 4-Pin Dynamixel Cable from your controller to any port on the hub, and you'll have 5 ports available for DYNAMIXEL's 4-pin servos.
This hub has the added benefit of 2 power breakouts. You can plug in bare wire with the screw terminal block, or plug in power through the DC barrel jack. The 2.1*5.5 female barrel jack will accept any of our SMPS power supplies as well as our Battery Wiring Harness.
The RX/EX Power Hub is compatible with the following DYNAMIXEL servos:
This hub is NOT compatible with the all AX and 3-pin MX series of DYNAMIXEL servos.
*Under certain circumstances, these servos can drop the voltage on Switched Mode Power Supplies. If you are using these servos with an SMPS we recommend also using the SMPS2DYNAMIXEL
The 6 Port AX/MX Power Hub is a must have accessory for any DYNAMIXEL user. This little board is a Bioloid 6 Port Hub and a
ALF-M101 is a mounting plate which enables DYNAMIXEL to be mounted on the T-slot Aluminum Profile.
TROSSENの多脚ロボットPhantomXに搭載されているDYNAMIXEL AX、MX、RX、シリーズのTTL製品の制御用Ardino互換の高性能マイコンのスターターキットです。詳細はこちら(外部リンクに飛びます)。
FeatureBase Plate-02 is made of aluminum and used for fixing OpenManupulator(RM-X52)
Can be used to install a manipulator on a table.It can be fixed with a clamp. (Clamp is not included in this package)
Package Component
Base Plate-02
Wrench Bolt M2.5x20
H/W Specification
Size (mm)
300 x 300 x 10
Weight (kg)
How To Assemble
Includes screws and spacer rings in order to fix DYNAMIXEL to Base Plate-02
When assembling XL430, you can use the circular spacer ring included in this package, or use the oval spacer included in XL430 package.
Drawing - LINK
Battery Box BB-010A
- A device that provides the main source of power for creating OLLO movements. (AA batteries required)
- Can be assembled onto OLLO parts using rivets.
Power device
**Batteries not included.
18 x 18 x 60m
- Main controller for the OLLO (CM-100, CM-100A) uses 2 battery boxes.
- Uses AA batteries.
- Exclusive plastic frame for Bioloid kit
- Side mounting frame for AX series Dynamixels
- 17 connecting methods are available with AX series Dynamixels
- High strength of engineering plastic
- Can be affixed tightly using bolts and nuts
- Grooved for tidy wiring and nut fastening
- FP04-F3 (F3 frame) : 10 pcs
*** Can be used for AX-series Dynamixels only.
*** Bolts and nuts are sold separately. (BIOLOID Bolt Nut Set BNS-10).