
dynamixel、ダイナミクセル、サーボ、ロボットサーボ、アクチュエータ、コマンド式、デイジーチェーン、ROBOTIS、ロボティス dynamixel、ダイナミクセル、サーボ、ロボットサーボ、アクチュエータ、コマンド式、デイジーチェーン、ROBOTIS、ロボティス

PhantomX Pincher Robot Arm Kit


PhantomX Pincher Robot Arm Kitは弊社の社友である米Trossen Robotics社製のエントリー向けのロボットアームです。
ROBOTIS社のエントリー向けアクチュエータDYNAMIXEL AX-12Aを5個搭載し関節配置はヨー関節1、ピッチ関節3、エンドエフェクター関節(グリッパー)1(5dof)です。


Product Features:
•AX-12A Dynamixel Actuators
•Solid Needle Roller Bearing Base
•Rugged ABS construction
•Servos come labled and pre-ID'd.
•Arbotix Robocontroller for Onboard Processing
The PhantomX Pincher AX-12 Robot Arm is a 5 degree-of-freedom robotic arm and an easy addition to the TurtleBot ROS robot platform. This hardware kit comes with everything needed to physically assemble and mount the arm as a standalone unit or as an addition to your Turtlebot Robot/mobile platform.

Vanadium Labs has developed an ROS stack that makes communication with the arm a breeze. Want to have your TurtleBot interacting with the environment and picking up small objects in no time? This is the perfect kit for you!

Please note that the arm currently does not come with supported software. The ROS examples are available and open source, however the arm as sold as a hardware platform only. We expect a comprehensive IK solutution and GUI programs to be available in the future.

•Custom Parallel Gripper
•Mounting Brackets for Cameras & Sensors
Kit Includes:

•5x AX-12A Dynamixel Actuators
•PhantomX Pincher Arm Hardware & Frame Kit
•ArbotiX Robocontroller
•12v 2amp power supply
•FTDI 5v Programming Cable
•2ml Bottle of Turbo-Lock

Reactor Arm Stats
Weight 550G
Vertical Reach 35CM
Horizontal Reach 31CM
Strength 25CM/40G
Gripper Stength 500G Holding
Wrist Lift Strength 250G