
dynamixel、ダイナミクセル、サーボ、ロボットサーボ、アクチュエータ、コマンド式、デイジーチェーン、ROBOTIS、ロボティス dynamixel、ダイナミクセル、サーボ、ロボットサーボ、アクチュエータ、コマンド式、デイジーチェーン、ROBOTIS、ロボティス

WindowX Robot Arm Kit



WindowX Robot Arm Kitは弊社の協力企業である米TrossenRobotics社製のハイエンドクラスのロボットアームです。



研究者や学生にもお勧めします。コントローラはArduinoベースでDynamixel対応のArbotiX Robotcontrollerです。

The WidowX Robot Arm is Interbotix Labs’ entry level arm offering for the MX series of DYNAMIXEL Servos.The MX series actuators provide a full 360 degree freedom of movement in the base, ultra-high resolution of 4096 positions, user-definable PID parameters, and extremely smooth interpolation. The hefty MX-64 shoulder servo gives the WidowX very strong lifting strength in a slim frame. If you are looking for medium lifting strength and desire smooth control, high accuracy and repeatability the WidowX is a great mid-level arm choice.

Product Features:
•Industry Leading MX-64, MX-28 and AX-12 Servos
•Solid 14cm Ball Bearing Base
•Extremely Rigid Boxed ABS Construction
•Arbotix Robocontroller for Onboard Processing
•Custom Parallel Gripper
•Mounting Brackets for Cameras & Sensors
Kit Includes:
•1x MX-64 Dynamixel Actuators
•3x MX-28 Dynamixel Actuators
•2x AX-12A Dynamixel Actuators
•WidowX Arm Hardware & Frame Kit
•ArbotiX Robocontroller
•12v 5amp power supply
•FTDI 5v Programming Cable

WidowX Arm Stats
Weight 1330G (1400 W/ Rotate)
Vertical Reach 51CM (55 W/ Rotate)
Horizontal Reach 37CM (41 W/ Rotate)
Strength(No Rotate) 30CM/400G
Gripper Stength 500G Holding
Wrist Lift Strength 500G (400 W/ Rotate)
Documentation•WidowX Arm Assembly Guide•Arbotix Libraries(WidowX Compatible)•Arduino Code Example•WidowX Robot Arm 3D Solid model (STEP & Inventor formats)

Due to high demand and supply chain/production fluctuation, please be aware we cannot guarantee that Interbotix Labs kits will be shipped immediately. We make every possible effort to keep kits in stock, but at times the production lags behind demand for various reasons. For time sensitive projects, please contact trsupport@trossenrobotics.com for an estimated lead time on our kits and plan purchases with ample time. Orders are shipped in the order they are received as stock allows.