
dynamixel、ダイナミクセル、サーボ、ロボットサーボ、アクチュエータ、コマンド式、デイジーチェーン、ROBOTIS、ロボティス dynamixel、ダイナミクセル、サーボ、ロボットサーボ、アクチュエータ、コマンド式、デイジーチェーン、ROBOTIS、ロボティス

WidowX MX-28 Robot Turret Kit



Dynamixel MX-28を使用した、研究用途にも耐えうるパン・チルトターレットです。

Dynamixel MX-28は、よく他社製のローコストのターレットにキットに使用されている安物のR/Cサーボに比べ、高精度(360度/4096step)で動作時の音響ノイズも遥かに少ないです。




The WidowX Robot Turret is a super high performance Pan & Tilt platform for experimenters, roboticists, and hobbyists, making it easy to get started in the exciting field of physical computing! This easy to build kit is based around the exclusive ArbotiX Robocontroller and the new MX-28T Dynamixel Actuators, granting it some serious payload and speed capabilities. It includes everything needed to build a high performance, fully programmable, Arduino-compatible Pan & Tilt platform. Add webcams, lasers, airsoft guns, a variety of sensors to the available I/O, Xbee wireless link to a PC, PWM Hobby Servos, up to two small DC motors, and additional Dynamixel Actuators to customize your project! The ArbotiX Robocontroller can also be custom programmed using the Arduino IDE for autonomous behavior using sensory input, or a variety of other custom applications - your imagination is the limit!
Kit Includes:
•ArbotiX Robocontroller
•2x MX-28T Dynamixel Actuators
•RX-24F/RX-28 FR07-H101K Hinge Frame Set
•RX-24F/RX-28 FR07-S101K Side Frame Set
•RX-24F/RX-28 FR07-B101K Back Frame Set
•Dynamixel Robot Turret Base & Hardware Kit
•12v 2amp Power Supply
Product Features
•ArbotiX Robocontroller
•Arduino IDE Compatible
•360 degrees of pan motion
•180 degrees of tilt motion
•USB, Xbee wireless, Autonomous modes
•Rugid ABS Base
•Rubber Grip Feet
•USB or Wireless PC Interface
•32 I/O - 8 as Analog Inputs
•I2C Interface
•Dual Motor Controller
•Open source Firmware
•Sample PC Control Apps in .NET C# & Python
•Roborealm support for machine vision applications
•ISP available for custom programming
ArbotiX Specifications:

The ArbotiX robocontroller is an advanced control solution for ax-12A servo/Bioloid Based robots as well as small-to-medium size robots of any type. It incorporates a powerful AVR microcontroller, XBEE wireless radio, dual motor drivers, and 3-pin servo-style headers for IO.

The ArbotiX robocontroller is specifically designed to control robots built using the Bioloid System and ax-12A servos, although it is also a very high-end solution for powerful rovers. It is not intended to be a drop-in replacement for a CM-5, rather it is intended as a high level development tool for building more sophisticated robots.

For full information and product manual, check the manufacturer's page.

•16MHz AVR microcontroller (ATMEGA644p).
•2 serial ports, 1 dedicated to Bioloid servo controller, the other to the XBEE radio
•3 Bioloid ax-12A style ports onboard, plug your ax-12A Servos directly in!
•32 I/O, 8 of which can function as analog inputs
•Servo style 3-pin headers (gnd, vcc, signal) on all 8 analog inputs, and 8 of the digital IO
•Dual 1A motor drivers, with combined motor/encoder header.
•XBEE radios sold separately. A typical setup will require 2 XBEE radios and an XBEE explorer w/ USB Cable to be able to wirelessly control your robot from your computer.
•2.8”x2.8” with mounting holes designed to match many Bioloid configurations.

PC Control App

MX-28 Robot Servo
Holding Torque 25.5 kg·cm
354 oz·in
No-load Speed 55 RPM
Resolution 0.088°
Weight 72g
Size 50.6 x 35.6 x 35.5
Rotation 360°
Max Current 1.4 A
Protocol TTL Asynchronous Serial

Documentation•WidowX MX-28 Robot Turret Assembly Guide•Interbotix Robot Turret Manual & Protocol•ArbotiX Manual & Programming•Arduino Firmware Sketch & VB .NET Sample ApplicationLooking for documentation on the RX-24/RX28? Click here

Due to high demand and supply chain/production fluctuation, please be aware we cannot guarantee that Interbotix Labs kits will be shipped immediately. We make every possible effort to keep kits in stock, but at times the production lags behind demand for various reasons. For time sensitive projects, please contact trsupport@trossenrobotics.com for an estimated lead time on our kits and plan purchases with ample time. Orders are shipped in the order they are received as stock allows.