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PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod Mark III Kit


PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod MK-III Kitは
ArdinoベースのDynamixel対応マイコンArbotiX RobocontrollerのサンプルNUKEソースコードも新しくなりました。


ZigBee無線送信機ArbotiX Commander、充電器、バッテリー等必要なものはすべて含まれるオールインワンキットです。

The PhantomX AX Metal Hexapod MK-III from Interbotix Labs is the 3rd major revision of our popular Hexapod robot kit. In addition to numerous design improvements over our MKII model, we are excited to release the robot as an entirely open source platform, complete with 3D cad models of the robot, open software, and schematics for the electronics.

This kit has evolved over the last 5 years to become one of the most advanced robotic development platforms on the market, bringing unparalleled performance and quality the hands of robotics enthusiasts, educators, and researchers.

These hexapod kits are the collaborative effort from some of the top talent in the robotics community: Next-Gen AX series DYNAMIXEL robot servos, the ArbotiX-M Robocontroller, and a fantastic open-source development system make this an extremely durable and versatile robot that will grow with you as you learn more and more about robotics.

PhantomX Hexapod MKIII by Interbotix Labs on Sketchfab
What’s new with the MKIII?

Previously the kits used plastic servo frames and plexiglas leg and body components. The MKIII now features 5052 aluminum servo frames, leg components and body set and comes with an expansion deck, making it even easier to add your own sensors, actuators, computers and more!

The LiPo battery has been upgraded to a 4500mAh battery along with an easier bottom-loading battery tray design.
Product Features:
Standard DYNAMIXEL AX-12A or Ultra Fast DYNAMIXEL AX-18A Series Robot Servos
3 Degree-Of-Freedom Legs
Arduino-Compatible ArbotiX Robocontroller
Open Source Software
Advanced Inverse Kinematics Driven Gait Engine
6 Different Walking Gaits Available
Extended Run Time with High Quality 4500mAh LiPo Battery
Included Top Deck makes it easy to add Arms, Grippers, Cameras, Pan/Tilts, even Computers!
Rugged Full Metal Frame Construction
Wireless Xbee Control via PC or Handheld
Tons of I/O available and fully programmable for autonomy
Great platform for hobby, education, and research!

This Comprehensive Hexapod Kit comes with everything you need for a fully-featured robotic platform. All 18 DYNAMIXELs, frame components, anodized black socket-head hardware, an Arduino-compatible ArbotiX Robocontroller, FTDI interface for programming, the handheld ArbotiX Commander, a set of paired Xbees, a PC-side Xbee USB interface, a 3S 4500mAh LiPo Battery, Multi-Function LiPo Balance Charger, and even a bottle of Threadlocker! We also have highly detailed step-by-step assembly manuals to ensure your kit goes together smoothly.

Kits Includes:

Hardware & Body (Barebones, No Servos, and Comprehensive Kits)
Aluminum Body Plates
Nuts & Bolts
Hex Drivers
AX/MX Power Hub
6x F1 Bioloid Frames
12x F2 Bioloid Frames
6x F3 Bioloid Frames
3-pin DYNAMIXEL cables
See the Assembly Guide for a full listing of plates and hardware.
Electronics (No Servos, and Comprehensive Kits)
ArbotiX Robocontroller
ArbotiX Commander
2x Xbee 1mw Modules
11.1v 3S 4500mAh LiPo Battery and Wiring Harness
LiPo Balance Charger Starter Kit
USB Xbee Interface
USB A to Mini-B Cable
Plastic Safe Thread-Locker
Servos (Comprehensive Kits)
18x AX-12A OR AX-18A DYNAMIXEL Actuators