
dynamixel、ダイナミクセル、サーボ、ロボットサーボ、アクチュエータ、コマンド式、デイジーチェーン、ROBOTIS、ロボティス dynamixel、ダイナミクセル、サーボ、ロボットサーボ、アクチュエータ、コマンド式、デイジーチェーン、ROBOTIS、ロボティス

6 Port RS485(4pin) Power Hub

RS485 4PIN 6port TROSSEN製品

The 6 Port RX/EX Power Hub is a must have accessory for any DYNAMIXEL user working with 4-pin servos. 

The DYNAMIXEL communication bus allows you to daisy chain multi servos, making wiring a breeze. However sometimes you need to split your DYNAMIXEL chain into multiple directions. Just plug a 4-Pin Dynamixel Cable from your controller to any port on the hub, and you'll have 5 ports available for DYNAMIXEL's 4-pin servos.

This hub has the added benefit of 2 power breakouts. You can plug in bare wire with the screw terminal block, or plug in power through the DC barrel jack. The 2.1*5.5 female barrel jack will accept any of our SMPS power supplies as well as our Battery Wiring Harness.

The RX/EX Power Hub is compatible with the following DYNAMIXEL servos:


This hub is NOT compatible with the all AX and 3-pin MX series of DYNAMIXEL servos.

*Under certain circumstances, these servos can drop the voltage on Switched Mode Power Supplies. If you are using these servos with an SMPS we recommend also using the SMPS2DYNAMIXEL
