- Used to control the DYNAMIXEL using the Arduino board.
- Mounts above the Arduino board and can be used with the OpenCR controller
- Various shields can be stacked on the DYNAMIXEL Shield
- Comes with JST type connectors and XL-320 exclusive connectors
- Supports both TTL and RS-485 communication.
- Registered in the official Arduino library for easier access to sample codes
Package Components
*Arduino Uno is not included in this package.
Please purchase all Arduino related products separately.
H/W Specifications
52mm x 52mm
Operating Voltage
7.4V (XL320) ~ 12V (X-Series)
Current Consumption
1A (Arduino)
10A (Terminal Power Connector)
Use the jumper to select the power sharing between the Arduino and the Dynamixel Shield.
There is only one pair of pins for high-speed UART communication in Arduino, therefore for DYNAMIXEL control or Arduino uploads, set the UART switch and then operate it. Library (GitHub) - LINKE-Manuel - LINK